The Cosmet’K 01 Project is an on going project, questioning beauty and other various form of representation of the human kind. For now it has been mostly oriented on women but I don’ t exclude working on men in the future since they are more and more concious of their beauty apparence in the continental world focused on performance, weather it is social or sexual. I question beauty by how we are suppose to identify it in magazines and advertising. Using photographic codes of advertising, i set up a nice and beautiful white background, but something looks wrong, slowly the models in the pictures start appearing like creature even though the light and make up is perfectly done according to the american upper class standards. Volunteraly the skin was kept untouched from photoshop retouching in order to mesure what our eye can not stand anymore when it comes to skin pores and imperfections. These beauty icons are handling us a mirror to contemplate our standart of perfection and cultural beauty. It was shot on analog photography. The first exhibition of this piece was presented at the Garach Gallery in Mexico City and published in WHICH Magazine in Italy. This serie was also mounted in animation, the bodies and heads were separated and mixed in random orders of appearance. It was selected to run in the first animation Festival of the Pompidou Center.